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John Wayne

Just finished a review of the new John Wayne bio for Bookreporter, so I thought it would be appropriate to remind you that he starred in a 1955 television production of Rookie of the Year, aired some 36 years after the Black Sox scandal, which serves as an underscoring theme. Directed by John Ford, the […]

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That same paper by Chad Sabadie also uncovered another John Ford TV play touching on an ersatz Black Sox situation featuring some high-powered names . Flashing Spikes was an episode under the Alcoa Presents umbrella starring Jimmy Stewart as a former player who had conspired with six other players (Seven Men Out?) to throw a […]

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Funny how stream of consciousness works. I was tooling around on the web and came across a paper by Chad Sabadie on “America’s Presstime: How Images Of Baseball Reporters Have Shaped the Prception of Our National Sport and The Profession Of Journalism.” Quite interesting, if not wholly accurate. Any baseball reader or movie-goer knows about […]

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