The Bookshelf Conversations: Jason Turbow, Redux

September 22, 2021,h_122,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/PANDEMIC_Logo_medium_edited_edited.webpJason Turbow on Twitter: "Look what just came in!… "I had hoped by now the whole nasty Covid business would be behind us. I was wrong.

If there’s anything good that’s come out of this for baseball readers, it’s the Pandemic Baseball Book Club. The PBBC has given a platform to authors who missed out on the opportunities a normal year would have offered with events, signings, presentations, etc.

Last year we spoke with Jason Turbow, author of three fine baseball works and the founder of the Club. I was interested in hearing what he learned from this unusual experience, as well as plans for the future when the pandemic will, hopefully, be behind us.

By the way, this Conversation makes Turbow the first “three-peat” guest.

As Yogi Berra might have said to Covid, “Thanks for making the Club necessary.”


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