The Bookshelf Conversations: Gary Cieradkowski

September 29, 2020

Given that I have three books out and worked as a newspaper reporter/editor, I guess that serves as proof that I can put words together, but when it comes to art, I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler. I didn’t inherit that gene from my father, who was an excellent sketcher.

Then I talk with someone like Gary Cieradkowski who excels at both writing and drawing and I revert to a seven-year-old: “It’s not fair.” Pick one or the other.

Cieradkowski is the creator of The Infinite Baseball Card Set, as well as a number of offshoots, such as a book — The League of Outsider Baseball: An Illustrated History of Baseball’s Forgotten Heroes (here’s the Bookshelf Conversation when that one came out) — and a magazine — 21: Illustrated Journal of Outsider Baseball Spring 2017. It’s not just the standard immortals and stars, you’ll find in these pages, but amatuer and even fictional players that appear in his oeuvre.

I encourage you to visit his website and enjoy the many examples of his work. The blog portion of the site includes a fascinating explanation of his process.



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