This is the best? (Update) (times 2)

November 7, 2022

I recently posted about “Baseball TV Shows to Watch During the World Series” (hope you got them all done in time). One of the suggestions was A Whole New Ballgame, a short-lived 1995 series with Corbin Bernsen as an arrogant ballplayer working at a Milwaukee TV station during the strike (although it looks like he’s there during the off-season, based on the snow in the one episode I watched.

Which is the problem. According to the writer of the article, “[s]itting at eight episodes 30 minutes each, this is an easy and enjoyable binge,” purportedly on Youtube. Unfortunately, I was only to find one full-length episode (the second) on that platform along with a few brief clips. I would say that was disappointing, but based on what I saw, the one episode was enough. It was like WKRP in Cincinnati, but based on a TV rather than radio station but with the requisite and cliched characters: the aggressive ad salesman, the pompous newscaster, the quirky weatherman, the gorgeous assistant, the long-suffering station manager who was at odds with the main attraction athlete. Amazing how the show does not age well.

One more thing: if I read it correctly on IMDB, Slo Pitch — available via Roku — weighs in at a miniscule 10 minutes or less per episode, so that’s easily bingeable and may be worth the free trial.

UPDATE: Ugh. Tried to watch the Korean high school baseball series only to be informed that my “Prime” does not have it. Of course, these things are always changing; perhaps all of these shows were available to the writer of the original article at the time. But not to me and I’m guessing not to others. #disappointing.


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