Hey, kids. Wanna have some Funko?

March 6, 2019

I was chatting with a co-worker who is about to go to Seattle for vacation. One of the items on his agenda is attending Comic-Con. Seems he’s a collector of Funko figures. Who knew? Evidently these are like the next generation of Beanie Babies.

There are probably hundreds of these things, and some of them can get ridiculously price, such as these top two on eBay.


Are you freaking kidding me???

I had never heard of Funko before. Guess that’s because I don’t have kids of the age that would collect these. Then again, my co-worker is in his thirties. Then again, I still collect baseball cards, so…

I thought the whole thing was a bit silly, until he told me there’s a line of baseball players.

Okay, maybe I’ll get just one.





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