When baseball makes for bad TV

July 27, 2012 · 1 comment

Found this dumb-as-door-knob video featuring Johnny Bench on something called The Nick and Jessica Variety Hour (featuring Nick Lachay and Jessica Simpson) the  through Sports Nation:

You may recall the movie That Thing You Do in which The Wonders appear on an ersatz Ed Sullivan-type show, a la the Beatles. Prior to their “introduction to America,” the show’s ebullient host interviews astronaut Gus Grissom about his experience. Every line was scripted and delivered either poorly or all right, depending on how generous you are as a viewer. I think the film did a pretty accurate job of showing how stiff non-entertainers can be when shoved into the spotlight.

It’s similar for many athletes. While some are comfortable in front of the camera in a  non-sports, the results are often pretty poor.

During the same daily search for items to post, I came across this slide show featuring sports moments from the family sitcom Full House. When my daughter was younger she used to love this show, which I could not abide on any level — writing, acting, sets, music, etc. The older (and more curmudgeonly) I get, the less tolerant I am for shows that seem to have a following that makes we afraid for the future of this country and humanity as a whole.

Just sayin’. Sorry if that presents me as an elitist snob.


{ 1 comment }

1 Robwein July 28, 2012 at 12:22 am

Interesting note–said actor playing Gus Grissom stumbling along in That Thing You Do is none other than Bryan Cranston, aka Walter White on Breaking Bad, aka winner of 3 straight Emmys, etc.

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