1 Keving1701 January 4, 2011 at 10:56 pm


Are there other newsletters?

Kevin G

2 Anonymous January 5, 2011 at 2:24 pm


Are you asking specifically about SABR Bibio committe specifically, SABR in general, or baseball in general? If the first, go to http://www.sabr.org/sabr.cfm?a=cms,c,656,5,5 and click on the column on the right to download previous issues. If SABR in general, you would have to check each committee’s page. Start with http://www.sabr.org/sabr.cfm?a=com&m=5&m=5. If the last, I would guess there are, but I’m not familiar with any specifics.

Good luck and thanks for reading.

3 Keving1701 January 5, 2011 at 11:37 pm

Thanks Ron,
I’m aware of several other chapters that have newsletters, but I was not aware of this one. Is this the 1st newsletter for this chapter since 2007?


4 Anonymous January 6, 2011 at 12:43 am

No, but the process is a bit cumbersome. If you go to http://www.sabr.org/sabr.cfm?a=cms,c,257,5,5 and click on “Newsletters,” you’ll get a drop-down box for 2008-2010. That will take you to the years’ pages but you still have to look on the right nd click on the individual issues. Not the most user-friendly method, I’m afraid, and I hope I explained it correctly.

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