Lest we forget: George Steinbrenner

July 13, 2010

The legendary Yankees “Boss” died of an apparent heart attack.

Steinbrenner, who turned 80 on July 4, had been in failing health for the past few years. His death comes just days after Bob Sheppard, another long-time Yankees fixture.

No doubt his death with spur renewed interest for books such as Bill Madden’s recent and excellent biography. Fittingly, Madden wrote the Daily News story that hit the web just minutes ago. Journalistic neutrality aside, I imagine this must have been a difficult assignment.

3:48 p.m.: The papers — especially in New York — will be full filled with stories and nostalgia about Steinbrenner. I still have editions from when Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle died and I think this will be fairly close.In the meantime, here’s an interesting slide show from WSJ.com, chronicling how the paper covered Steinbrenner over the years.


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