Questionable announcement: Baseball Legends & Legacies

June 24, 2010 · 1 comment

Found this press release about said new book by Gary Hall, which I reprint in part:

Amazing new book “Baseball Legends & Legacies” by Gary Hall interviews 25 Baseball legends. This hot summer release is based on interviews with 25 of baseballs’ greatest players. Gary Hall interviews and records page after page of exciting stories. It’s the player stories that makes this the perfect gift for any baseball fan. Gary Hall interviews over 25 major league baseball legends. The stories make Baseball history.The Legends of Baseball and their legacies are captured in the pages of just one book. If you’re a fan of Baseball you will want it. For additional information baseball fans are invited to visit the company web site at

As a former major league bat boy and friend of many top players, Gary Hall brings his insight and experience to each interview with these legendary players. Baseball Legends Publishing has a reputation for customer service and a quality product. This is a must read for any baseball fan that follows the teams and loves the excitement of every game. Readers will experience the stories of major league baseball from the players’ viewpoint in this unique work. “Baseball Legends & Legacies” makes a great gift for any baseball fan. Never have these players and these stories about the game they love been so easily available.

Published by Baseball Legends, written by Garry Hall, “Baseball Legends& Legacies” is a remarkable opportunity for fans to really get to know 25 major league player that made the game great. Fans get an inside look at how these players contributed to the American Pastime. Each player was selected for their contribution to the sport of Baseball. Their stories weave a tapestry of rich stories full of excitement, history and humor. With 25 players and personalities this book is a piece of baseball history that explores the game from a new perspective. Included in “Baseball Legends & Legacies” are interviews with Sparky Anderson, Dusty Baker, Vida Blue, Bill Buckner, Orlando Cepeda, Jimmy Davenport, Tito 23 Fuentes, Doug Harvey, Willie Horton, Jaime Jarrin, Ferguson Jenkins, Al Kaline, Fred Lynn, Juan Marichal, Jon Miller, Tony Oliva, Jim Pagliaroni, Dave Phillips, Joe Rudi, Art Santo Domingo, Lon Simmons, Luis Tiant, Dick Williams, and Maury Wills. An interesting and enjoyable read, players and fans will appreciate for it’s candor and unique approach to baseball. Available at and book signings across the country where players and fans meet.

Pardon my cynicism, but this reads as if it was written in a foreign language and run through an English-translation program. I’ll ignore the typos (King of typos here), but not the duplication of sentences and/or idea. And some of the claims are downright bizarre.

For example, there is no record of any pro player by the name of either Jaime Jarrin or Art Santo Domingo, at least not according to Nor were Doug Harvey or Jon Miller players (could the author be referring to Douglas Harvey who played in the minors from 1947-50?) Nor was there a Major Leaguer named Lon Miller, although Lon Simmons played one season (1946) in the Phillies’ organization. And no disrespect to Jim Pagliaroni, but I doubt many would consider him on the same level as an Al Kaline or a Luis Tiant.

This comes from the book’s website:

About the book – The purpose of Baseball Legends and Legacies is to preserve portions of the magical era of the 1960’s and 1970’s from the legends themselves. There are twenty five chapters with firsthand accounts from the celebrities detailing their favorite stories, memories and opinions. Each of the twenty five chapters has three portions that include the introduction of each celebrity, their personal and extensive selections called the “Best of the Best”, and “In my own words!” Each celebrity’s chapter is vastly unique and different. There is a total of ten Hall of Famers that are included into this intriguing book[emphasis added], while they reveal their most inner thoughts and opinions on this special and fabulous era! Baseball Legends and Legacies is dedicated to the memory of the great Bobby Bonds with four separate accounts from those who knew him both on and off of the playing field! The Baseball Legends and Legacies book is endorsed by Bob Watson MLB Senior VP., Hall of Famers Joe Morgan, Orlando Cepeda, and Sparky Anderson! Please enjoy!

Curious about the “ten Hall of Famers” and what, specifically, is meant by “included,” because by my count, there are only five: Sparky Anderson, Orlando Cepeda, Al Kaline, Juan Marichal, Dick Williams.

I hate to call out Mr. Hall, but if the book is anything like the website or press release, I;’m going to pass on this one.


{ 1 comment }

1 Ajmilner June 26, 2010 at 2:15 pm

Jaime Jarrin is the Dodgers Spanish-language broadcaster, who won the Frick award in Cooperstown in 1998.

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