Here’s something you don’t see everyday

September 21, 2021

“Hey, that’s Crash Davis. He’s played in more towns than I have. Helluva guy — real different. I actually saw him read a book without pictures once”

Max Patkin in Bull Durham

It may not be a Crash Davis project, but here’s announcing the Noah Syndergaard Book Club (via The New York Times).

Noah Syndergaard, who has been sidelined by an injury, has turned to reading. “I am not just a robot-athlete baseball player,” he said.

At least someone on the Mets is making good use of his time.

Just another book reference (there don’t seem to be too many). Also from the Times, from a 1983 article.

(Bobby) Brown and (Yogi) Berra go back together to the late 1940’s when they were roommates on the Yankees, as unlikely a twosome, it seemed, as Einstein and Elmer Fudd.

Robert William (Doc) Brown was a third baseman and also a medical student, studying to become a cardiologist after his playing days.

Lawrence Peter (Yogi) Berra was a catcher and a student of contemporary literature in comic-book form.

Brown and Berra would lie in the twin beds of their hotel room, absently massaging their spike wounds while reading. Legend has it Brown would be ingesting ”Gray’s Anatomy” while Berra was flipping through joke books.

One evening, the story goes, Brown and Berra closed their respective tomes at about the same time. Berra, snuggling under the covers, turned to Brown and asked, ”Well, how did yours come out?”


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