The Bookshelf Conversation #177: Greg DeHart

March 27, 2024

After seeing the upcoming documentary, Max Patkin: The Clown Prince of Baseball, I asked some of my colleagues if they had ever heard of him. Just about all of them said “no.” Then I asked if they had seen Bull Durham, pointing out Patkin’s role in the classic film. Now they remembered.

Greg DeHart was a former minor league who — like Patkin — never found success in the pros. Instead DeHart turned his talents towards film making. He spent 20 years working on this one. Time well spent.

Patkin must hold a record, having traveled the country to appear at more than 5,000 “consecutive” games, however that’s defined. His rubbery features — his stork-like body, his elastic, almost-toothless face — make him hard to forget. But like millions of other clowns, very few know the story behind the makeup (although he wore none) and costume. Happiness at home evaded him, which is perhaps understandable for someone who spent most of his career living out of a suitcase. The stresses that apply to professional athletes are multiplied for Patkin, who was always “playing away.”

Would he have enjoyed seeing this film? Hard to say; Patkin comes across as a modest person off the diamond. It’s a shame he couldn’t be around to see and hear how beloved he was by so many people.

By the way, The Crown Prince of Baseball is also the title of Patkin’s memoir, published in 1994 with legendary sportswriter Stan Hochman, who appears in the documentary. There’s also a children’s book: The Funniest Man in Baseball: The True Story of Max Patkin, by Audrey Vernick and Jennifer Bower. Given that it is a book for kids, I wonder how much much of the truth there is in it.

Max Patkin: The Clown Prince of Baseball premieres March 29 on Sunn Stream. You can see the trailer here.



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