Lest We Forget: Michael Bishop

November 15, 2023

Michael Bishop in his libraryThe author of one of my favorite baseball novels, Brittle Innings, passed away on Nov. 13 at the age of 78. Here’s his obit from locusmag.com and his entry from the online Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

Normally I don’t rely on Wikipedia, but in this case, the synopsis for the 1994 publication is pretty accurate: “During the Second World War, Daniel Boles joins a minor league baseball team in Georgia, where he discovers that his teammate “Jumbo” Hank Clerval is actually Frankenstein’s monster.”

Brittle Innings earned critical acclaim, including the 1995 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel, a finalist for the 1995 Hugo Award for Best Novel, the 1995 John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel, and the 1995 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel. I always felt this was an underrated book, especially given all these plaudits.






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