Calling the language police (Willie Mays documentary)

October 31, 2022

Did you know that Willie Mays “outed over 7,000 opponents while playing center field”?

I didn’t realize there were that many gay players.

Seriously, the writer of this piece on about the forthcoming HBO documentary, Say Hey, Willie Mays! has some work to do. Other than this very specific usage, I have never seen “out” used as a verb (I out, you out, we out?).

Regardless, I’m surprised there hasn’t been a documentary on Mays before. I mean there’s a five part docu-series on Derek Jeter. All due respect, Jeter is no Mays.

But then, it’s probably a generational thing. Fewer and fewer fans can say they witnessed Mays’ talents. The older players tend to be forgotten. Kind of like how I was when it came to listening to stories about Babe Ruth or Lou Gehrig.

The HBO program comes just in time to piggyback on to the World Series which, if it does the distance, is slated to end on Saturday, Nov. 5.  And it’s sweet that Mays is still with us and can enjoy the adulation.

(By the way, as most of you know, the correct phrase is Mays “put out over 7,000…,” which is how it’s phrased in the trailer.)


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