The Things We Keep: It’s da shoes

December 3, 2019

Take a look at the video in the sidebar of my trip to Yankees Fantasy Camp. Hard to believe it was 10 years ago.

I was down there to cover the brand-new “kosher camper component” for the New Jersey Jewish News (an extended version appeared in Yankees 2010 Annual, a publication of Maple Street Press). This program allowed observant Jews to participate in the fun without worrying about eating the food or having to chose whether or not to play on the sabbath

One unexpected bonus was the quotidian gift attendees would find at their locker when they returned to the clubhouse in-between the daily double headers. One day it might be an equipment bag, the next a warmup jacket. I still have the former and I also have these little beauties…

I still wear ’em, albeit with very thin socks because of the combination of shoe shrinkage and foot expansion. Nevertheless, they’ve held up better over the last decade than I have.


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