Lest we forget: Alex Johnson

March 3, 2015

Alex Johnson, the 1970 American League batting champion, died Feb. 28 due to complications from cancer at the age of 72.

Johnson played in the heyday of my baseball card collecting — the late 1960s to 70s. As such, he is, unfortunately, one of an increasing number of players from that period who are shuffling off this mortal coil.

Although he always seemed to be a solid player, he always struck me as somewhat troubled. What do you make of someone who plays for eight teams in 13 years? He was also a potential victim Chico Ruiz pointed a handgun at him in the locker room when they were teammates on the California Angels in 1971.

His Indians and Yankees cards indicate the lengths (depths?) Topps would go to to try and keep the info as up-to-date as possible. The “hat-tip” was a common pose, as was the “hat-less” shot. But the airbrushing? Man, that’s brutal. Looks more like the logo for NY Mammoths than Yankees.

https://i2.wp.com/www.baseball-almanac.com/players/pics/alex_johnson_autograph.jpg http://www.cardtarget.com/image_serve.php?imageID=1457905737
https://i0.wp.com/1.bp.blogspot.com/-If5LvC4eEI0/U7q4_lQkq9I/AAAAAAAAEfU/7hU1wSb9zgE/s1600/johnson.jpg?resize=213%2C300 https://i2.wp.com/www.tradingcarddb.com/Images/Cards/Baseball/68/68-441Fr.jpg?resize=213%2C300
https://i0.wp.com/www.tradingcarddb.com/Images/Cards/Baseball/71/71-590Fr.jpg?resize=213%2C300 https://cardboardgods.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/b__alexjohnson75.jpg?resize=213%2C300
https://i0.wp.com/3.bp.blogspot.com/-znUGplSveHc/UhAu3MHIpRI/AAAAAAAASsQ/SKkCtGboGt8/s1600/77topps637.jpg?resize=213%2C300 https://i2.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51W-71%2Bnc7L.jpg?resize=213%2C300

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