Literary birthday greetings: WWJDD and Richie Scheinblum

November 5, 2010

Johnny Damon turns 37 today. He’s only 429 hits away from 3,000.

Following the 2004 season, it seems there were 429 books written about the Boston Red Sox, on one topic or another, from team profiles, to individual biographies, including Damon’s Idiot: Beating “The Curse” and Enjoying the Game of Life, written with Peter Golenbock.

Richie Scheinblum turns 68 today. Just about every book about Jewish baseball (The Big Book of Jewish Baseball; Jews and Baseball, Volume 2, etc.) includes his profile.

Bonus nickname of the day: Ice Box Chamberlin, born in 1867. He went 157-120 in 10 major league seasons from 1886-96.


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