* The longer I live, the dumber I feel

February 28, 2010

Attended the Baseball Prospectus roundtable event at the Yogi Berra Museum this afternoon. Five members of that august publication/website were on hand to share their wisdom and insight with a very savvy audience (once you take me out of the equation. There was a kid there, couldn’t have been more than 10, who was asking about the Nationals rotation and whether the panelists thought Madison Bumgarner, a 19-year-old rookie for the Giants, would fare this year. Several others in the audience offered similar queries about players of whom I have never heard. Guess I’m living in the past too much.

BP panelists included, from left, Steven Goldman, Kevin Goldstein, Christina Karl, Jay Jaffe, and Cliff Corcoran

One humble statement from Goldman, when answering a question about BP’s projections: “There are not Strat-o-matic cards,” he said. “These are human beings.” Sometimes an anamoly will occur that can’t be accounted for when looking at a player’s career stats. Case in point: Frank Thomas’s messy year-long divorce dropped his stats substantially, but there’s no notation for that on Baseball-Reference.com or any other outlet. Outside events can always drop by without a moment’s notice, and there’s no qay to project for that.

Dave Kaplan, director of the Yogi Berra Museum, makes the introductions.


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