* “Have you no decency, man?”

February 26, 2010

We’ve been hearing about Jay McGwire’s book about his brother, Mark, for the past several months. And I’m sure it will get plenty of press. Only not here.

I’m a bit tired of all these secondary personages trying to make a buck off their parents, husband, wife, partner, or sibling by publishing a book. Some of the books might even be good, but for the most part, not so much.

From an article on Technorati.com by Patrick Hayes:

Money, fame, something about it corrupting? … blah blah blah. Jay McGwire may very well be (probably is) telling the truth. The problem? No one cares. It’s probably (definitely) my one naivete about the industry, but I’ve never understood who, exactly, flocks to read books written by Jay McGwire and his ilk, but somehow, Jose Canseco is a best-selling author while all of my book ideas sit at the outline stage. And by outline stage, I mean are scribbled on discarded bar napkins somewhere. Somehow people who tattle on semi-relevant baseball players have a major audience out there. Good on Jay McGwire for cashing in, I guess.

Sorry, I take the opposite tack: shame on Jay McGwire for cashing in.


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