* Uh-oh, BALCO

September 8, 2008

According to this piece from the New York Daily News, Victor Conte’s tell-all book ’bout BALCO has hit a snag.

Skyhorse Publishing originally hoped to release BALCO: The Straight Dope on Barry Bonds, Marion Jones and What We Can Do To Save Sports in September, but Conte’s book may not hit shelves until 2009, said Skyhorse president Tony Lyons.

Conte has submitted the manuscript, but the imminent presidential election and other intervening factors have led Skyhorse to reconsider the timing of the book’s release.

Among the factors is an expensive barrage of defamation litigation launched against Conte by boxer Shane Mosley, one of the athletes whose BALCO doping regimens Conte promises to describe in detail, and Mosley’s threats to sue the book’s publisher.


{ 1 comment }

1 * HC Blogger September 11, 2008 at 12:56 pm

Why? what is the point of dragging the steroid era foolishness along anymore? Who cares about Barry Bonds? His name is worthless. You can’t give a way his sports memorabilia and he will never make the HOF. Isn’t that the saddest thing about this story, steroids? it’s enough already. Who really cares about stories that have no proof only speculation? I, for one, would much rather read a book by someone like Bill Russell, Montana, West, and so many more. These athletes shaped the positive side of sports.

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