* Whither Barry?

April 29, 2008

It’s still early in the season, but the pitchers seem way ahead of the hitters. Some sluggers are faring pretty poorly (Carlos Delgado, Prince Fielder, Frank Thomas, among others). Run production is down, as are home runs. Seeing any correlation between this and the Mitchell Report?

Speaking of steroids, Barry Bonds is still “on holiday,” as noted by this piece in The Wall Street Journal. Not that Bonds is George Bailey by any stretch, but as much as you might not want to admit it, his life touched many others. An interactive feature of the article shows what his departure has meant to various people at Pac Bell, including the guy who rents the kayaks for McCovey Cove; the Giants’ media relations and “stadium logistics” guys; the sales vendor (whose sales of rubber chickens used to taunt opposing pitchers is down 20 percent), and the home run seeker and other fans.

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