Triviality vs. “life goes on”

April 16, 2013

Yesterday I was supposed to be interviewed by WFMB-Am, the ESPN affiliate sports talk radio station in Springfield , Ill. about my book. The call was scheduled at 5:05 p.m., my time. Given the horrific circumstances of the events at the Boston Marathon (haven’t looked at the tabloids yet; are any of them using the headline “Boston Massacre?”), and the continuing coverage it was receiving, I e-mailed the show’s host about 4:45 to cancel or reschedule as necessary.

The host of The Press Box program, Larry Tate, wrote

I think we are going forward with the show as scheduled; been on the air for these kind of events before and while it feels odd or maybe wrong….as long as the station GM keeps it on format and not go to network news we do that. I will say something brief at the start of the show because I can’t in good conscience just act like it’s another day.

What can I say — I’m in a diversion business — so we will bring you on if you are available.

In a subsequent note, Tate wrote

In the sports radio business we tend to err on the side of doing what we do up to some undefined line of news and/or tragedy. Was on the air one of the afternoons of a school shooting. Wanted to be anywhere but here….

And so life goes on, even in the midst of tragedy. Since there are so few details and not claims of responsibility, it is impossible to say what the “rationale” was behind this heinous act that as of this writing has killed three, including an eight-year-old, and wounded scores more.

It is not the purview of this blog to delve into politics. We can offer no suggestions on how to fight back against such events or even protect ourselves. How can you protect from spontaneous and random circumstances? Can the police check everyone with a backpack or look at every discarded soda can? It’s damned scary but all we can do is keep an open eye and … sorry, that’s all I’ve got.  Words and wishes are so inadequate at a time like this. Someone help me out.



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