Spring ahead, fall back

March 10, 2012

As a public service reminder, remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before turning in to night.

The Mets, and to a lesser extent the Astros, will be falling back as they celebrate their 50th anniversary.

David Brooks, the social commentator, published this piece in yesterday’s New York Times on the seemingly impossible tasks of “unfriending” the Mets, to use a social networking phrase.

Today’s sports section features this Ken Belson article by — complete with audio excerpts and a download PDF of the sports page which heralded the occasion — about the team’s first game ever (in Spring Training, that is).

The Houston Astros — whose anniversary “present” seems to be a move to a new venue, league-wise — don’t have much in the way of acknowledging the occasion. Other than returning to their roots by wearing the old Colt .45 logos for selected games (amid a bit of controversy), there are no books like those for the Mets.



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