* Now hear this: Flo Thomasian Snyder

April 30, 2010

This charming young lady came out with Lady in the Locker Room: Madcap Memoirs of the Early LA Dodgers last year. It’s one of the best self-published books I’ve come across in a long time. Part family photo album — and as the first person put on the team payroll after they relocated from Brooklyn in 1958, Snyder was certainly a big part of the Dodger family — and part history, Lady in the Locker Room recalls the days of Koufax, Drysdale, Hodges, and numerous behind-the-scenes figures, such as her boss, Red Patterson, and a time when major league baseball west of St. Louis was in its infancy. Readers of a “certain age” can reminisce about Dodgertown in Vero Beach, as well as the Coliseum, and Dodger Stadium.

The Bookshelf spent a pleasant few moments with the author — who received the Independent Publisher Book Award bronze medal in 2009 for best regional non-fiction — discussing the fun she had putting the book together and its significance, not just for Dodger fans, but for baseball fans in general pining for the game’s Golden Age.

(And, Larry King, if you’re reading this, Ms. Snyder would love a spot on your show to chat with you about your favorite team.)

Hear it here:


For more information, visit the official Lady in the Locker Room website.


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