* "I feel pretty, oh so pretty…"

March 21, 2009

Some people don’t know when to shut up.

A-Rod, for example. Doesn’t he have enough people mad at him without this self-serving piece in Details magazine?

“Listen,” Rodriguez says. “I was thinking about one thing that I spoke about—it’s something that’s kind of trivial but will give me a hard time for no reason.” He pauses. “The song.”

Aha. Last night, he let slip his favorite Madonna song.

How long ago was this profile written? I would hope before all these steroids allegations came out. Otherwise, he is even more out of touch than he’s given credit for.

Looking back, his preoccupation seems surreal. Just the day before, Selena Roberts, a reporter from Sports Illustrated, had confronted Rodriguez at a Miami gym, asking for his reaction to evidence that he’d tested positive for illegal steroids in 2003. And now here he was, sweating a Madonna song. It’s like worrying about the in-flight movie as your plane is belly flopping on the Hudson River.

Well there you have it then.


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