It is high. It is far. It is…a book about John Sterling

April 22, 2024 · 0 comments

So is this a new trend in book publishing?

When Ken Holtzman passed away last week, I noted that a book had been published about him immediately after he died.

Recently, long-time Yankee announcer John Sterling announced his retirement. Since it’s not unusual for a team broadcaster to published his memoirs, I went to Amazon to see if he had indeed done so.

Couldn’t find anything by him, but in the same vein as Holtzman, there were a few titles about him that appeared just this week.

I have great reservations about the quality of such material, undoubtedly self-published very quickly to take advantage of events. I do not know any of the authors or their backgrounds and qualifications to write such books. In fact, I would not be surprised if these were written by AI (apologies if I’m wrong.)With that said, here’s what I found.

As a side note and speaking just personally, I never cared much for his shtick. He tried very hard to be cute with his home run calls, but they just didn’t do it for me. I know there are Yankee fans who love him and I wish him and I wish him  all the best in his retirement.

An era comes to end as Yankees announcer John Sterling retires |
