If you have to ask…

October 28, 2014

Still trying to catch up on some older links, but this one in particular caught my attention.

Nick Taylor, who blogs about books on the Palo Alto online site, asks “Baseball and books — What’s the connection?

[W]hy do readers prefer baseball?

It’s not a rhetorical question. I really don’t understand. It might have to do with tradition. But boxing is older. Boxing has literary cred, too. Hemingway, Mailer–these guys loved boxing and wrote brilliantly about it. Why don’t you hear bearded, beflanneled hipsters talking boxing instead of the rise of sabermetrics and the ethics of PEDs?

Maybe it’s the pace of the game. Baseball is slow. Gives you time to think. But so does golf. Seriously, golf? Where are the great novels about golf? Where is golf’s The Natural? Would anyone publish The Art of Divot Replacement? Would anyone read it? No!

I’m serious. Help me understand.

Anybody want to learn him your experience, as Yogi Berra (or was it Casey Stengel) might have said? You can reach him here.



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