“Jane, you ignorant slut.”

May 19, 2014

https://i2.wp.com/www.doghouseboxing.com/Media2/Point_Counterpoint_L_Dan_Aykroyd_Jane_Curtin.jpg?resize=260%2C219If you can remember the old Saturday Night Live skit — a take-off on 60 Minutes‘ “Point/Counterpoint” segment between conservative James J. Kilptarick and Shana Shana Alexander representing the liberal POV — you might be old enough to get where Boston Globe sports columnist Bob Ryan is coming from when he asks “Do baseball fans care about new breed of stats?” He plays the Alexander part, or in the case of SNL, Jane Curtain,  while Dave Cameron over at FanGraphics fills in for Kilpatrick/Dan Ackroyd in offering a response but with less acrimony.

It’s actually not that contentious. In fact, Cameron agrees with Ryan that the average fans does not care about sabermetrics. But that doesn’t mean these numbers detract from the enjoyment of the game, as Ryan and colleagues of his generation frequently argue.


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