What if…?

January 30, 2013

Shane Tourtellotte at The Hardball Times, offers a thought-provoking series about “alternate baseball” series in which he posits what might have been had Abner Graves received credit for “inventing” the national pastime; Willie Mays as manager of the (New Jersey) Yankees thanks to a change of fortunes for the Harlem Globetrotters; and how Lou Gehrig’s not succumbing to illness might have affected the Yankees dynastic teams, among others.

Similarly, Jim Bresnahan edited Play It Again: Baseball Experts on What Might Have Been (McFarland) in 2006.

Tourtellotte is not to be confused with alternate-history novelist Harry Turtledove who published this speculative fantasy piece about George Herman Ruth on Tor.com in 2009.

The House That George Built


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