* Are there too many books on steroids?

June 12, 2009

Yes, according to this post from The Tao of Stieb, a Toronto-based blog.

Last month, we had some time to kill at a Chapters megastore….What we were met with was depressing enough to make us literally (and I mean literally) recoil and walk away.

The baseball section was a wall that was almost completely filled with books focused on steroids, fallen superstars, and fallen superstars who took steroids. It was more than a little depressing, and it really made us wonder if book publishers truly think that there is such a huge market for these exposés on performance enhancers and their users that they would focus on this one small aspect of the current state of the sport to the absolute exclusion of everything else.

Those books included books by or about Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, José Canseco, and Kirk Radomski, as well as general books on the topics, like Will Carroll’s The Juice.

So, are such books endemic of a “flavor of the month” cycle, or are they hear for the foreseeable future?


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