* Spring is in the air

February 2, 2009

This is the time of year when home gardeners (of which I am one) look forward to receiving their seed catalogs.

I also enjoy getting the latest from the publishing world. Today I received the Ivan R. Dee catalog, which includes the following baseball titles:

  • Catcher, by Peter Morris — The author of such neo-classics as But Didn’t We Have Fun? and the two-volume Game of Inches (the only book to win both Spitball Magazine‘s Casey Award and SABR’s Seymour Medal) pays tribute to these gallant athletes.
  • The Fifth Season, by Donald Honig — A memoir by this “failed ballplayer/successful novelist” who is best known for his books about baseball, including The Image of Their Greatness, Baseball When the Grass Was Real, and 100 Greatest Players.
  • The Baseball Entertainer, by Robert Kuenster, managing editor of Baseball Digest (of which I’ll be writing more at some future date).

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