* Review: Yogi: The Life & Times of an American Original

April 29, 2008

The Wall Street Journal also ran this review by Pete Hausler of the new bio on the Yog by Carlo Devito.

In sifting through [more than 4,000 sources], Mr. DeVito makes what seems initially like a strange choice: He includes many stories, anecdotes, and quotes that are now widely considered to be apocryphal (his word). Mr. DeVito, in good faith, states this fact whenever he’s sure that the story is not entirely true. It feels like an odd strategy for a biography, but the more these incidents appear in “Yogi,” the more it makes sense to include them.

Because, as Mr. DeVito makes abundantly clear, there are and always have been two Yogi Berras: 1) the public celebrity — a goofy, good-natured, strange-looking (sportswriters at the time used far-worse adjectives), malaprop-spewing simpleton from the Italian slums of St. Louis and 2) the real person behind the public persona, a far more complex and intelligent character.

[Yogi Berra]

The review is supplemented with an excerpt from the book.

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